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What is the ticker symbol for Alternus Clean Energy and where is the company listed?
Alternus Clean Energy stock is traded on the Nasdaq exchange under the ticker symbol ALCE.
How can I invest in Alternus Clean Energy?
You can buy shares of Alternus Clean Energy through any licensed brokerage firm. We do not have a direct stock purchase plan for non-employees.
When did Alternus Clean Energy go public?
Alternus Clean Energy listed on Nasdaq on December 26, 2023.
Who is Alternus Clean Energy’s transfer agent?
Alternus Clean Energy’s transfer agent is Computershare Ireland.
Who are Alternus Clean Energy’s independent auditors?
3 Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Rd, Saint Kevin’s, Dublin 2, Ireland
Where is Alternus Clean Energy’s corporate headquarters?
Our principal executive offices are located at 360 Kingsley Park Drive, Suite 250, Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715, USA. The Company also has offices in Dublin.
When does Alternus Clean Energy’s fiscal year end?
Alternus Clean Energy’s fiscal year end is December 31.
Who can I contact with additional questions?
To reach the investor relations group, please submit your question to For all other inquiries please go to All of our financial documents are available to view, download or print. We do not provide or mail hard-copy printed materials.